Our First Program: Partnering with Karnataka Cultural Association

Thanks to the Karnataka Cultural Association directors, we were able to host our first Thrive Together program virtually. We partnered with KCA and led their students through a variety of wellness-related activities.

We first began with a "brain dump" activity that allows the students to clear their minds. This activity is beneficial because students can write down any worries or fears they might have before beginning the program.

Then, we did a gratitude activity, where the students reflected on what they grateful for. Gratitude is one of many factors that contributes to improved mental health outcomes, and practicing it daily will significantly improve your well-being. It was such an eye-opening experience hearing about the children's experiences and understanding how the pandemic has shifted their focus on being grateful for health.

Next, we did an art activity and students drew a picture of where they want to be in five years on a postcard and wrote a letter to their futureselves. The exercise allowed the students to reflect on what they want to achieve and figure out steps to get there.

Then, we had a sustainability activity and played a game with students about the various ways to be sustainable in their life. The students shared how they plan to recycle more, walk or bike to and from places, and take shorter showers. It was heartwarming to see the children's desire to take care of the planet and maintain natural resources.

Towards the end, we did a yoga activity and guided the kids through a simple "Sun Salutation" yoga practice. Finally, we wrapped up the session with a guided meditation. Both these exercises got the children relaxed and focused on the moment.

It was an incredible experience, and we thank the students who enthusiastically joined us for our first program!